宝杯の儀 Rite of Rising
(執務室 昼)
Advisory Room | Daytime
アロイス: ……失礼いたします!
Alois: Excuse me! Sorry to intrude!
アロイス: いや、ご公務中に大変申し訳ありません!例の件について、ご報告がございまして。
Alois: Please, forgive the disruption, Lady Rhea, but I have that report you asked for.
レア: 構いませんよ、アロイス。今はちょうど手が空いたところですから。
Rhea: Do not worry yourself, Alois. As it happens, I am presently unoccupied. Please, go on.
アロイス: おお、それならば良かった!……むっ その、お手元の書物は……?
Alois: Ah, great! I’ll just… Huh? What’s that book you’ve got there?
レア: これは年代記です。ガルグ=マク大修道院の創建以来995年の歴史が記されています。
Rhea: It is a chronicle covering the 995 years since Garreg Mach Monastery’s completion.
アロイス: ふうむ……年代記とは。興味深いですな。
Alois: Huh! Sounds like a good read!
レア: ここに記録を残すことも、歴代の大司教に受け継がれてきた務めの一つ……。
かつて聖者セイロスは、英雄戦争の終結後 大修道院の造営に着手したといいますが……
Rhea: Maintaining the church’s records is one of the duties entrusted to all archbishops, myself included.
This one states that Saint Seiros ordered the monastery’s construction after the end of the War of Heroes.
This is a rare and valuable text. Most documents of that era have been lost to time.
アロイス: ああ……21年前の大火の折にも、数多くの書物が失われてしまいましたからなあ……。
Alois: I see, I see… Time aside, we also lost many books in that massive fire 21 years ago…
レア: ええ。ですから今となっては、この年代記の中にしか記されていないことも多いのです。
Rhea: Indeed. What was once well documented exists now only in this chronicle.
Not least of which is the ceremony commemorating the monastery’s completion.
アロイス: おお! 私も落成時期は知っておりますが、それ以上のことは存じ上げておりませんな。
Alois: Interesting! I’ll admit, I know the year it took place but not a thing beyond that.
レア: それも当然のことでしょう。そもそも、はっきりとした記録が残っていないのです。
Rhea: That is to be expected, unfortunately.
According to this chronicle, the Rite of Rising was held during the ceremony. The intent was to bring about the goddess’s rebirth.
アロイス: 宝杯の儀……ですか。むむむ、初めて聞きましたぞ。
Alois: The Rite of Rising, eh? Hm, can’t say I’ve ever heard of that one.
レア: ええ……宝杯の儀について記した書物もかつては存在していたはずなのですが……
Rhea: I am not surprised. There should be countless records documenting that important ritual.
Alas… Today, all we have to go on are fragments of forgotten memories and our own imaginations.
One thing is clear… Their wish for the goddess’s return was most fervent.
Saint Seiros held the ritual along with the Four Apostles: Noa, Chevalier, Timotheos, and Aubin.
However, it did not bear fruit, as the goddess did not return to this world… So it is written.
アロイス: む……4人の使徒というのは初耳ですな。四聖人とはまた違うようですが。
Alois: I’ve never heard of the Four Apostles before. They’re different from the Four Saints, right?
レア: ええ、彼ら四使徒についての記録もまた、大修道院にはほとんど残っていません。
Rhea: That is correct. Today, almost no records exist of the Four Apostles.
Their names live on only in the names of their Crests, but the bloodlines bearing those tokens of the past have been lost.
Any deeper knowledge of the apostles has all but disappeared from the grand stage of history.
アロイス: ううむ……意味深な言い方をなさいますな。ともすれば、歴史の裏側にはいる、と?
Alois: Well, that’s interesting. Does that mean they’re somewhere...backstage?
レア: ええ、誰も知らないところで血脈を繋ぎ、思いもしない者に現れる可能性も……。
Rhea: In a sense. It is possible that their bloodlines have carried on in secret, perhaps materializing where no one thought to look.
I did not intend to indulge in such a long-winded lecture.
Please, tell me your report, Alois. It concerns the underground, does it not?
アロイス: おおっと、そうでしたな!仰るとおり、近頃ガルグ=マクの地下で……
Alois: Oh, right! It’s as you suspected. Recently, there have been several incidents in the area beneath Garreg Mach…